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Tremese Davis

Director of Supplier Sustainability & Inclusive Growth, Southern Company

"Vitamins are essential for healthy growth and nourishment.  Vickie's Vitamins are the daily dose you need to grow your thinking and thrive.



Dr. Thomas “Danny” Boston

Economist. Author. Entrepreneur

Vickie Irwin-Avery is one of the country’s foremost leaders and thinkers in the arena of corporate supplier diversity.  Her new book, The Next Normal, is like a centrifugal force that brings us together at a time when society, as we have known it seems to be unraveling.  Her message is powerful, timeless, and yet simple - collaboration, trust, and shared values are as transformative in business as they are in life. If you are among the majority who feel this country has failed in its response to the global pandemic and racial injustice, and you are searching for a way forward, this book is a must-read.


Vanessa Lane,

Supplier Diversity Program Manager, Cox Enterprises Inc.

Vickie has captured everything a corporation needs to be proactive leaders in the communities they serve. Thank you for the opportunity to review this thought provoking book.


Future thinking leaders will craft a plan of action to promote business and personal growth to navigate into the "next normal.”


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